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Learning about the TPACK model

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Last week we learned about the samr model, and this week we learned about the tpack and sections models. I think the difference between the samr model and the tpack model is that the former focuses on the way and method of organizing knowledge, while the latter focuses on the technology of teaching. tpack is composed of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), Technological Content Knowledge (TCK), The tpack is composed of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), Technological Content Knowledge (TCK), and Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK). These three components are overlaid by TK (Technical Knowledge), PK (Pedagogical Knowledge), and CK (Content Knowledge).
In the initial understanding of tpack is rather abstract, next I will give examples to further explain the tpack model.

For example, today, teacher C used the whiteboard to explain quadratic equations during class. The day before the class, Teacher C made the lesson and sent it to each student through the learning platform. Teacher C can see through the platform how many times the students watched the lesson, such as the number of times they watched it, the time, etc. In class, the teacher asks the students to discuss and simulate the process of solving quadratic equations using the simulator lab software.

Electronic whiteboard – TK
Teaching knowledge of quadratic equations – PK
The day before the class, the learning platform used by the teacher sends the lesson to the students – CK teacher sends the students what they need to master
The teacher unites the learning content with the technology of the learning platform – TCK
In class, the teacher organizes a discussion with the students and completes an experiment with the simulator – Fusion PK and CK

In general, teachers can use a combination of TPACK and SAMR together. For example, instructional designers can use tapck to guide themselves in doing integration of technology and instruction. He can also use SAMR to test the depth of his technology-instruction integration.

1 Comment

  1. kelsey723

    Hi Yiting,

    Nice pictures. It is good to see that you used an example to analyse TPACK Model. I think TPACK Model appears in every class. TK, PK, and CK are (in my opinion) three core components of a class. Therefore, comprehensive knowledge of them is necessary for professors. I think the TPACK Model is useful in the stage of preparation. The professors will consider the class content and teaching methods before classes. For a better learning outcome, technology may take a step in. At this stage, I think that how the professor uses technologies and where it can reach closely related to SAMR Model, which we learned last week. Thus, I agree with your idea of using SAMR and TPACK together.

    Nice post. Thanks for sharing!

    Kelsey Li

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