Recently, we learned about the theoretical knowledge of SAMR presented by Dr. Ruben Puentedura, which benefited me a lot. The SAMR model is a hierarchical model proposed by Dr. to select, apply and evaluate the use of technology in education. It is divided into four levels, and SAMR is a combination of the initial letters of the words that represent these four levels: Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition.

The Substitution and Augmentation layers focus on technology to help improve or enhance student learning in the classroom. Modification is where technology allows us to redefine the task itself. For example, a student can record a video of a presentation he or she has given and upload it to a video site to share with other students and faculty and receive an instant evaluation. The fourth layer, Redefinition, is also the highest level of the model. Higher-level technology applications can be more intensive in developing students’ higher-level thinking skills, such as design, analysis, or creativity, rather than lower-level thinking, such as memorization.
Overall, the degree to which technology affects the learning task and the level of development of students’ competencies is very important.
Hi Yiting,
You have well explained the origin of SAMR model and its meaning, and the pictures you choose also make people clearly understand and understand its meaning. I can also see the purpose of each section from your blog. I think OF SAMR as a model for describing the degree of integration of technology and teaching, used by educators, teachers, or instructional designers, as well as the integration of technology and teaching with degrees.